Sunday, December 18, 2011

Your Love is….FABULOUS!

She sounded just as good as she looked..

I’m fresh back from a weekend in Abu Dhabi. Thankfully the days when I used to drive there twice a week, every week, for work, are a distant memory – and long may things stay that way.  So this time when I head there it’s usually for pleasure – and oh what a pleasure it was! We fitted a lot into one weekend, but the main reason behind the visit was to see the amazing Sade in concert.

There’s something pretty great about heading to an outdoor concert in the middle of December, though I have to confess that I felt a bit chilly and had to take a scarf. And wear skinny jeans and knee high boots. Brrr!  The concert was in the purpose built Yas Arena, nest to the Formula One track. It’s an impressive piece of kit and I’ve happily danced the night away to Stevie Wonder and Britney here.

And what was Sade like? WELL. Incredible. Breathtaking. Amazing. Add as many adjectives as you like here.  Quite aside from the stunning stage show, which I really wasn’t expecting, and the superb band, have you SEEN Sade lately?  She has the skin of a 20 year old (she’s actually 52. 52!!!!) and is still whippet thin. When she emerged from the floor for the opening number in skin-tight trousers, a tight sheer top and enormous cage shoes, I cheered inside.  There’s just no excuse to slide into fat middle age anymore, is there? (Note to self: easy on the mince pies this Christmas).

1 comment:

Mrs Dubai said...

So wish I could have gone. I love Sade! Though I heard one uncharitable woman saying, 'it's background music. Why would you go to a concert of background music?'