Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Women: The Short Straw

Congratulations to my gorgeous friend Emma, who has pushed the equivalent of a 9 pound 9 ounce bowling ball through the eye of a needle.....no mean feat. Bird, I'm completely in awe of you, and in a macabre way am looking forward to all the gory details.

This is when living abroad sucks. Yes, I may handle babies with all the finesse of a bomb disposal expert, but I'd still love to be able to give Fox a big cuddle. In my opinion, children are best when they're freshly baked babies, small and cute like snuffly puppies. And they can't move about so much! Emma, James and Rock: such fabulous news. Can't wait to meet your new arrival. And in the meantime, do the necessary with FB photos. Big love going out to you.

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