Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday Night Hysteria

You know when you're laughing so much that you just can't stop...to the point where you nearly fall off your bar stool, where you can't breathe.....that was us last night.

I genuinely can't remember what was quite so funny, but as I am A HOOT I'm sure it was hilarious. Thanks to the Gang...I'm still laughing now.

Apologies to anyone who was in Nezesaussi, or within a 5 mile radius - raucous is an understatement. Sometimes it just needs to be done. That last glass of wine always seems like a good idea at the time doesn't it...not so great when you're wide awake at 6 am.

Anyway. From now on, no booze til Beirut....what with porn dinner parties (thanks, Rima!) and impromptu bar crawling, my liver is begging for mercy this week.

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