Sunday, May 04, 2008

Shop til You Drop...?

As a city dweller, I don't often attempt to go shopping at the weekends, after work is my preferred time. The shops are near-empty, and you can browse in a relaxed fashion, with acres of floor space ahead of you. Even trying clothes on is almost a pleasure.
Not so at the weekend. As Mrs H was here to stay we had to brave the crowds and shop during daylight hours. Our first attempt at Primark had to be aborted. The scrum of people searching desparately for bargains had us backing out of the shop after 5 minutes. Everywhere you looked there were people laden with bags, fighting their way past one another, queuing for hours to pay.
When we returned at 6 pm things had calmed down somewhat, but they were still doing a very good trade.
All this talk of a slow-down in the economy obviously hasn't reached Manchester yet!

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